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Google Will Be Launching the Chrome OS Net Books

Google Will Be Launching the Chrome OS Net Books
Apparently, Google still has big ambitions in the hardware arena. This global search engine and online advertising giant is reportedly going to launch the Chrome OS net books, within the next few weeks.

The launch will most likely be a product bearing the Google brand, made by a third party manufacturer. Previously, Google launched a branded smart phone, the Nexus One that failed to start a buzz after some wireless carriers unanimously elected not to heavily promote the device, which competed with other smart phone offerings in their stables.

Currently, Google is ready to have another go at it, but this time it is going to do so in a fragmented market, not tethered to any specific wireless or data networks.

The final goal of Google is to put its Chrome operating system (OS) in as many places in the computing ecosystem as possible, including desktops, laptops, tablets and net books. This strategy is very similar to what Google has done with Android, which is one of the fastest growing smart phone operating systems.

Chrome, however, is an operating system that's truly focused on moving as much computing activity as possible to the cloud and running only the bare minimum essentials on the actual hardware.

Eventually, Google Chrome would challenge the very existence of traditional operating systems and software products that are being built around the idea of the hardware or the PC, as the central node in the computing experience.
