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Blekko Could Consume a Slice of the Google Pie

A new search engine has finally been launched in beta that has created quite a stir in the online arena. Supposedly, it has got a special feature that filters out poor quality sites and other spam sites. Well, it is about time, let me introduce you to 'Blekko', a service that promises full transparency with its search ranking data and is currently being backed by millions in the venture capital.

Rich Skrenta, Blekko's chief executive, said that, "When we started this company our goal was to build a search engine that not only let you do your usual searches but also lets you do searches that you just can't do anywhere else."

Blekko's search filtering is based on a "slashtag" technology, which is basically a tool that is comprised of recommended websites submitted by users. Thus, searches can be refined, through this slashtag filtering system. This system can save web searchers a lot of time, for they need not hunt through all the highways and shifty, dark alleys before finding what they really want.

With regards to this filtering system, Skrenta said that, "Most people don't edit Wikipedia, yet we have a vast encyclopedia which long ago dwarfed the closed Britannica.” However, “a small fraction of the Web audience that does get involved can help make the search experience better for everyone else."

Blekko does show promise, especially with its built-in social feature. So, could Blekko consume a slice of the Google pie?
