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Google’s New Encryption may occlude SEO

Google had announced the release of their new SSL encrypted version of their search engine last week. However, a disturbing news for SE marketers is that this may impede the search engine optimization methods.

The announcement was made mainly as response to the recent incident in which Google had accidentally captured some information from unencrypted WiFi connections. Gmail and Google Docs, already have SSL encryption.

The SSL encryption allows users a greater privacy, but it will present a greater problem for the search engine optimization industry. SEO experts conduct keyword research by using analytical tools to see what searches the current audiences use to get to the websites. The SSL encryption forbids any referral data from being sent, which means when visitors go to a web page, the web owner won’t know where they came from or what search terms they use to get the page.

However, the search engine’s SSL encrypted version is not a default version, many analytic firms are though concerned about it.
