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Benefits of Google Encrypted Search Engine

The launching of Google encrypted search engine have been making wave on the web world. People are looking forward for its benefits and other functioning of this SSL (secure sockets layer) used encrypted search engine. It will ensure the safety of the searches from being snooped or intercepted while traversing the Internet. This version will help the business persons and also the individuals in many ways.

The most relieving point is that it is easy to use. To get this facility, you want to type "https" at the beginning of the URL rather than "http". It will instantly encrypt the pipe between Google and your Web browser so that the search traffic will remain private between you and Google.

Google always keeps the record of what is searched for. So, the encrypted search engine can not be called as complete private. “Do No Evil" is the mantra of Google and that is why the users and the business persons trust Google not to involve with anything insidious.

One of the best possible benefits of these searches is that it can't be intercepted. For businesses, it has brought another feature which has more relevant and directly applicable benefit. During a subsequent search through Google encrypted search are not archived in history and won't appear in the auto fill.

Searches may give hints regarding confidential intellectual property, ongoing research and development, upcoming product or service announcements, and other sensitive information that is not supposed for unauthorized consumption. There is no risk of stumbling onto it later as Google encrypted search does not store that information.

Images, Videos, Maps, etc are not searched by the beta of Google's. It works only with the main search functionality. It doesn't keep the history of browser wipe out of URL's that are entered directly. An even more secure solution might be used the encrypted Google search from within an InPrivate Browsing session on Internet Explorer 8.
