With the rise of global mobile advertising from the past few years, it has extremely become important for e-marketers to understand the how to utilize this platform for effective marketing or business promotion campaigns.
Mobile ads campaign works just the same as PPC management services but they do have some vital differences.
First, talking about the user intent, mobile searchers usually look for products or information that they can quickly consume such as music download, location of a cafe or restaurant rather than those items that usually has a lengthen contents or info.
Another important difference is the search queries length. Mobile searchers use short phrases. If marketers are looking look for keywords, they should target short keyword phrases that the phone users would type easily.
Another thing that most marketers should remember is that in mobile websites, the space for ads is very limited and they should try to put the brands on the top positions if they want the messages to be displayed.
Google has recently launched a new mobile platform for iPhone, Palm Pre and Androi devices for its Pay Per Click Internet Marketing AdWords.
Mobile ads campaign works just the same as PPC management services but they do have some vital differences.
First, talking about the user intent, mobile searchers usually look for products or information that they can quickly consume such as music download, location of a cafe or restaurant rather than those items that usually has a lengthen contents or info.
Another important difference is the search queries length. Mobile searchers use short phrases. If marketers are looking look for keywords, they should target short keyword phrases that the phone users would type easily.
Another thing that most marketers should remember is that in mobile websites, the space for ads is very limited and they should try to put the brands on the top positions if they want the messages to be displayed.
Google has recently launched a new mobile platform for iPhone, Palm Pre and Androi devices for its Pay Per Click Internet Marketing AdWords.