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Google & Facebook in Takeover Talks with Twitter

Google & Facebook in Takeover Talks with TwitterThere’s been a lot of talk doing its rounds with regards to the possible sale of Twitter. With such exceptional news reaching us today, many individuals involved in the talks have said that the sale could possibly be valued at $10 billion or more!

According to some “very reliable” reports, Google and Facebook have apparently sent out executives to engage in “low level” talks with Twitter. The discussions between the various parties have estimated the value of Twitter somewhere around $8 to $10 billion.

But until the matter has been finalized, it wouldn’t be prudent to get your hopes too high, because according to some sources, the talks are apparently not going to get anywhere anytime soon. Is it possible that Twitter feels that the $10 billion value is a little too low?

However, in the midst of all this, Twitter seems to be getting a lot of attention, which of course works in favor of its business. Recently, the company set an all-time record for the highest number of tweets recorded during a sporting event. During the last few minutes of the Super Bowl, Twitter recorded a staggering number of 4064 tweets in just a single second! But the highest ever record for tweets was last New Year’s Eve in Japan where party goers sent a total of 6,939 tweets per second after midnight!

So, what would be your guess? Would you value Twitter at $ 10 billion?
