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The Pros and Cons of Android for Smartphone’s and Tablets

The Pros and Cons of Android for Smartphone’s and Tablets
Google is the only brand that Apple has been watching carefully lately. Despite reveling in the popularity of its latest iPad release, Apple is still keeping a watchful eye on Google.

Google’s lightening speed rise in the Smartphone and tablet market has made it one of the biggest brands around. While Apple has invested the money, research and resources in developing hardware as well as software, Google has simply managed to get everyone interested in Android without have to invest in huge amounts of research and designing costs. Android is fast becoming essential to portable devices and is constantly coming out with new versions.

This is a very smart move on Google’s part. The first question that people will ask you when they see you have a Smartphone is “what version of Android does it run on?” It is now taken for granted that every Smartphone runs on Android. What with the benefits of Android 2.0, more and more consumers are beginning to understand that having an Android handset will provide them with new features and capabilities like no other operating system can. With the release of Android 2.2, Smartphone’s saw huge performance gains and the coming of Android 3.0 will ensure that these benefits multiply.

On the flipside, this rapid advancement by Google has caused a lot of headaches for phone vendors. The lifespan of a typical Android phone is very short. And then you also have the frenzied users clamoring to get the next Android. And although Android is providing phone makers with lesser operating system costs, there are still many growing costs in the back end as more and more consumers have been learning about Android.
