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Google adapts Applications for Smaller Businesses

Google adapts Applications for Smaller Businesses
Google has changed its applications pricing structure in order to make it more appealing to the smaller businesses. Google has recently introduced a flexible plan that offers $5 per month as a pricing option for users and it also requires no contractual commitment.

The pricing option currently is priced at $50 per year per user and has a one year commitment attached to it. This has now changed and has been given a new title, the “Annual Plan”. Google has also scrapped the plan for accepting upfront payments from new customers, which ensure that they will only pay at the end of the month. Now, direct debit payments are available.

However, it’s not all good news for every business. Google’s changes to its applications will upset new customers. Under the new rules, new customers having 10 users or more will have to sign up for the paid option for the Google Apps. Before, businesses with as many as 50 users could enjoy this service for free.
