Twitter is now launching a video ad network, SocialAds, which has emerged from its TwitVid. SocialAds has been positioned to help advertisers enhance their social media presence and as an alternative to pre-roll video ads. It allows users to buy followers and re-tweets and provides social analytics.
The pricing model is based on price-per-action, which means if the impressions don’t result in action, it won’t be charged. Bidding will begin at 1 dollar per follower and 75 cents per re-tweet. Higher bids will receive a better placement on the ad units. Like, advertisers can place their bids on popular videos or content producers from famous personnel who have selected TwitVid as their preferable video tweeting service. A private alpha testing had earlier yielded over 400 followers to one person in just less than an hour with 2% users were shown an ad followed by a brand.
Through this self-service advertising network of SocialAds, advertisers can now create their customized campaigns targeting specific audience and promote their social media channels. They can choose a combination of SocialAds' follow-to-watch or retweet-to-watch functionalities depending on the specific campaign objectives. Users can also opt out if they want as SocialAds doesn’t require viewers to follow brands or re-tweet.
The pricing model is based on price-per-action, which means if the impressions don’t result in action, it won’t be charged. Bidding will begin at 1 dollar per follower and 75 cents per re-tweet. Higher bids will receive a better placement on the ad units. Like, advertisers can place their bids on popular videos or content producers from famous personnel who have selected TwitVid as their preferable video tweeting service. A private alpha testing had earlier yielded over 400 followers to one person in just less than an hour with 2% users were shown an ad followed by a brand.
Through this self-service advertising network of SocialAds, advertisers can now create their customized campaigns targeting specific audience and promote their social media channels. They can choose a combination of SocialAds' follow-to-watch or retweet-to-watch functionalities depending on the specific campaign objectives. Users can also opt out if they want as SocialAds doesn’t require viewers to follow brands or re-tweet.