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New Google Buzz API features

New Google Buzz API features
After the introduction of Google Buzz API at Google I/O, Google has been working round the clock to make it broader, more useful and better. They are introducing several new features today as a direct result of their users’ feedback.

They are launching the Google Buzz firehose, where all public activities would be available as it is published with a single subscription with the syndication through PubSubHubbub. Check out some fun features that come along with the firehose.

Some of the new API features available are:

  • Comments by the user – This feed includes activities, which users have commented on.
  • Likes by the user – This feed consists of the activities, which the user liked.
  • Shared counts - This returns the number of times a URL has been shared across Google Buzz.
The features above are documented on the Google Buzz API documentation site in detail and can be discussed on the development forum. Google will continue to innovate and iterate the Buzz API. They are encouraging their users to check out the new features and let them know what they think about it.
