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Google to Include New Features in Google Docs Redesign

Google to Include New Features in Google Docs Redesign
The latest feature to hit Google Docs is a preview pane that will help by facilitating users to get additional information on a file or find out what is inside without really having to open the document, drawing, spreadsheet, etc. This feature is extremely functional for the file manager, as users can now upload several files at a time.

Users will now be able to play back audio files that are hosted on Google Docs and can do this directly from the preview pane. What’s more, the Google Docs media competence goes beyond all of this! Users can now even generate playlists as well!

Google has also added the capability of viewing videos that are uploaded to Google Docs by means of the YouTube player. The player supports all resolutions and formats, but Google Docs is not really intended as a video hosting service. Nevertheless, with Chrome’s OS making its debut appearance soon, the ability to store and manage files has become even more important since there won’t be any similar competence built into the OS. Listening to your favorite music on Chrome will be easy if Google Docs adds different multimedia support features, like Google is doing.
