Everyone needs a better ranking for their website. It is important to be aware of the fact that a nice boost from the position 8 to 5, or 2 to 1 for your targeted search term can make a world of difference in the page views and clicks that you receive. But how can yo go beyond the competition in your targeted search rankings?
External deep linking is something a lot of sites neglect, which can be a big disadvantage with your SEO strategy. Websites take too much time in optimizing their home pages to rank for their high level keywords, and send most external links to their homepage while they neglect their deeply indexed pages.
Benefits of external deep linking are:
A more diverse link portfolio: It is important to have a more diverse link portfolio since the links that are pointing to your other indexed pages are most likely to have other keywords associated with the links. Therefore, your top level domain will become more powerful because of the diverse links and because the keywords in those links are relevant to the top-level keywords that you are trying to rank for.
External links to the other pages within your website increase your rankings for those long tail - and medium keywords which increase your overall traffic.
More traffic from your other pages increases ranking results to top-position rankings because aggregate traffic is an important factor in your search rankings.
Internal deep linking will help if you are finding it difficult to gain external backlinks to your deeply indexed pages.
For any information about SEO services please visit: www.anuvatech.com
External deep linking is something a lot of sites neglect, which can be a big disadvantage with your SEO strategy. Websites take too much time in optimizing their home pages to rank for their high level keywords, and send most external links to their homepage while they neglect their deeply indexed pages.
Benefits of external deep linking are:
A more diverse link portfolio: It is important to have a more diverse link portfolio since the links that are pointing to your other indexed pages are most likely to have other keywords associated with the links. Therefore, your top level domain will become more powerful because of the diverse links and because the keywords in those links are relevant to the top-level keywords that you are trying to rank for.
External links to the other pages within your website increase your rankings for those long tail - and medium keywords which increase your overall traffic.
More traffic from your other pages increases ranking results to top-position rankings because aggregate traffic is an important factor in your search rankings.
Internal deep linking will help if you are finding it difficult to gain external backlinks to your deeply indexed pages.
For any information about SEO services please visit: www.anuvatech.com