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Google Penalizing Slow Loading Websites

Google Penalizing Slow Loading Websites
Google, the top target for search engine optimization, has announced that it will penalize websites which load slowly. This announcement has upset some web developers when Google included this new signal in their search engine algorithms.

If your website tends to load slowly then, you might want to start doing something to make it faster sooner before it gets penalized. Since Google had announced that they are going to take site speed into consideration in the search results.

Google has always been obsessed with speed either in their products or on the web. This new new signal in their search engine algorithms seem to indicate that they are taking their obsession seriously.

Posted in a blog spot, the search giant said that speeding up websites is vital not just to any site owner but to all net users as well. According to them, a fast loading site cam make users happy and a site that loads slowly will only loss their users.

Currently, only less 1% of the search queries are affected by the new site speed signal in the implementation. At this point the signal for site speed applies for those users searching in English on
